Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Spirit ad Truth NJ ~ Friday, September 28th

Looking for God in the Daily Grind

Andrew Burns, Seminarian of the Archdiocese of Newark, 
will share his experience with
 Ignatian Spiritual Examen
Talk will be followed by adoration of 
Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament

From the Writings of St. Ignatius


One of the most admirable effects of Holy Communion is to preserve souls from falling, and to help those who fall from weakness to rise again; therefore it is much more profitable frequently to approach this Divine Sacrament with love, respect, and confidence, than to keep back from an excess of fear and cowardice. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Spirit and Truth NJ~ Friday, September 21

This Friday we will have adoration of Jesus 
 in the Blessed Sacrament

followed by Movie Night 

Padre Pio 
Miracle Man


"Kneel down and render the tribute of your presence and devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.  Confide all your needs to him, along with those of others.  
Speak to him with filial abandonment, give free rein to your heart, and give him complete freedom to work in you as he thinks best."   Padre Pio

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Spirit and Truth NJ ~ Friday, September 14th

Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament

followed by

Bible Study on the Gospel of Luke

St. John Chrysostom, Homilies on the Gospel of Matthew, 82, 4, 370 A.D.:

Let us submit to God in all things and not contradict Him, even if what He says seems contrary to our reason and intellect; rather let His words prevail over our reason and intellect. Let us act in this way with regard to the (eucharistic) mysteries, looking not only at what falls under our senses but holding on to His words. For His word cannot lead us astray. . . When the word says, `This is My Body', be convinced of it and believe it, and look at it with the eyes of the mind. . . How many now say, `I wish I could see His shape, His appearance, His garments, His sandals.' Only look! You see Him! You touch Him! You eat Him!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Spirit and Truth NJ ~ Friday, September 7th

First Friday Mass

8:30 pm


“We cannot separate our lives from the Eucharist; the moment we do, something breaks. People ask, ‘Where do the sisters get the joy and energy to do what they are doing?’ The Eucharist involves more than just receiving; it also involves satisfying the hunger of Christ. He says, ‘ Come to Me.’ He is hungry for souls.” Blessed Mother Teresa