Thursday, February 28, 2013

Spirit and Truth NJ ~ Friday, March 1st

First Friday Mass

Please meet in Msgr. Price Room, Mass will be in the Church

Receiving the Eucharist means adoring Him whom we receive. Only in this way do we become one with Him, and are given, as it were, a foretaste of the beauty of the heavenly liturgy. The act of adoration outside Mass prolongs and intensifies all that takes place during the liturgical celebration itself.
      Pope Benedict XVI – Sacramentum Caritatis 66

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Happy Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter

Prayer for Pope Benedict XVI

O God, true shepherd of all the faithful,
look with kindness on your servant Pope Benedict XVI,
whom you set as head and shepherd of  Your Church.
We give you thanks for your grace at work in him
as he had led us by word and example:
in his teaching, in his prayer and in his great love.
Grant him your strength in frailty, comfort in sorrow,
and serenity amid the trials of this world;
and guide your Church, built on the rock of Peter,
with the power of your Spirit as we continue on the path that leads to you.
Through Christ our Lord.

Prayer for the Election of a New Pope

O God, eternal shepherd, who govern your flock with unfailing care,
grant in your boundless fatherly love a pastor for your Church
who will please you by his holiness and to us show watchful care.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

Spirit and Truth ~ February 22, 2013

This Friday please join us for a
 Holy Hour of Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament

After the Holy Hour we will watch the movie 

 The Way


St. Peter Damian, a Doctor of the Church, describes an important Eucharistic miracle of which he was a direct witness. We present the Italian translation of the episode as the Saint himself describes it: “This is a Eucharistic event of great importance. It took place in 1050. Giving in to a horrible temptation, a woman was about to take the Eucharistic Bread home to use the Sacred Species for sorcery. But a priest noticed what she had done and ran after her, taking away from her the Host she had sacrilegiously stolen. Then he unfolded the white linen cloth in which the sacred Host had been wrapped and found that the Host had been trans- formed in such a way that Half had become visibly the Body of Christ, while the other Half preserved the normal look of a Host. With such a clear testimony, God wanted to win over unbelievers and heretics who refused to accept the Real Presence of the Eucharistic mystery: in one half of the consecrated bread the Body of Christ was visible, while in the other the natural form, thus highlighting the reality of the sacramental trasubstantiation taking place at the Consecration

Monday, February 11, 2013

Spirit and Truth NJ ~ Friday February 15th, 2013

The Eucharistic Spirituality of Blessed James Alberione, founder of the Daughters of St. Paul

Presented by Sr. Margaret Kerry, FSP 
Talk will be followed by adoration
 of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament

“The true hour of eucharistic adoration, the true visit,” writes Blessed James Alberione, “is like the soul which pervades all the hours, occupations, thoughts, relations of our day. It is the lymph or vital current that influences everything and communicates its spirit even to the most ordinary things. It forms the spirituality that is lived and communicated. It forms the spirit of prayer which, when cultivated, transforms every work into prayer.”

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Spirit and Truth NJ ~ Friday February 8th, 2013

Spirit and Truth is Canceled for this week, stay safe and warm and we will see you next Friday...   

We will be praying for you and your intentions during our usual meeting time.


 This Friday, Tom Boney will lead our study 
of the Sunday Mass Readings

Bible Study will be followed by adoration of 
Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament 
Saint Josephine Bakhita, intercede for us that,
freed from the chains that bind us to the past,
we may go forward into freedom.
For each of us the path forward is the Communion procession to the altar.
The Most Holy Eucharist is the mystery of our liberation,
the healing of memories,
the Bread to children given,
the Chalice of undying love lifted daily to the lips of the Bride.

~ Fr. Mark Kirby;  excerpts from A Saint for Those Who Are Prisoners of Their Past ~