"At Lourdes...each afternoon, in the procession of the Blessed Sacrament, the bishop or priest, carrying the monstrance, walks among the sick, blessing them. It is then that the cures and the miracles of grace usually take place. Mary brings her children to her divine Son and it is he who works the miracles, just as he did at Cana,"
- Fr. Paul Hinnebusch, OP.
Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
We will read Sunday's readings together
in preparation for the First Sunday of Lent
Reflection Questions:
1. The season of Lent lasts forty days, just as long as Christ's temptation in the desert, the rains that lead to Noah's flood, and the years Israel spent wandering in the desert...
How would you explain the relationship between these events?
2. The devil quoted the Bible in order to tempt Jesus. Is there a lessson in that for us?
3. How can we get and keep our conscience "in shape", able to recognize easily the difference between an innocent desire, a temptation, and a sin?
Further reading: Catechism of the Catholic Church, 391-395, 538-542, 1427-1433
From the Better Part: