Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Spirit and Truth NJ ~ Friday, May 11th

This Friday we will have adoration of
in the Blessed Sacrament
Holy Family Chapel

Adoration will be followed by a viewing of the movie

The 13th Day

The year before Our Lady appeared to the three little shepherds in the parish of Fatima the Angel appeared holding in his hands a chalice surmounted by a host from which some drops of blood were falling into the chalice. After profoundly adoring God in the Eucharist the Angel gave the children Holy Communion. “Take and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ ...” The bleeding Host reminds us that the Eucharist effected at the celebration of the Mass perpetuates the Sacrifice of the Cross.

A year after the Angel of the Eucharist appeared at Fatima in 1916, the Mother of God appeared on May 13, the Liturgical Feast of Our Lady of the Eucharist. She immediately drew the children to our Eucharistic Lord. When Our Lady opened her hands for the first time, shedding on the children a light so intense that it seemed as a reflex glancing from her hands and penetrating to the inmost recesses of their hearts, making them see themselves in God, who was that Light, by an interior impulse, communicated to them, they fell on their knees, repeating in their hearts: “Oh, most Holy Trinity, I adore You! My God, my God, I love You in the most Blessed Sacrament!”


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