Monday, November 19, 2012

Spirit and Truth NJ on the Road....

In Thanksgiving to the Lord for the gift of Life and Faith

We will be on pilgrimage to the

 Saint John Neumann Shrine, Philadelphia, PA

 this Friday, November 23rd

We will be leaving from St. John the Apostle at 1:00pm sharp!

Please RSVP by Wednesday if you would like to attend and/or can drive.

Cost: Please contribute a few dollars to the driver's fund,  we will go to dinner after the shrine.

"How much I love You, O my Jesus!  I wish to love You with my whole
heart; yet I do not love You enough.  My lack of devotion and my negligence
still haunt me.  I have one desire, that of being near You in the Blessed
Sacrament.  You are the sweet bridegroom of my soul.  My Jesus, my
love, my all, gladly would I endure hunger, thirst, heat and cold to remain
always with You in the Blessed Sacrament..." (St. John Neumann).

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