Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Spirit ad Truth NJ ~ Friday, May 17th, 213

Join us for adoration of
 Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament

We will continue the 
Year of Faith Bible Study Series

Please bring your bibles! 

What meaneth this most gracious condescension, this most
lovely invitation? How shall I dare to come, who know no good
thing of myself, whence I might be able to presume? How shall I
bring Thee within my house, seeing that I so often have sinned in
Thy most loving sight? Angels and Archangels stand in awe of
Thee, the Saints and just men fear Thee, and Thou sayest, Come
unto Me!    Except Thou, Lord, hadst said it, who should believe it
true?  And except Thou hadst commanded, who should attempt to draw near?
T. Kempis ~ Imitation of Christ

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