Monday, March 10, 2014

Spirit and Truth NJ~ March 14th, 2014

The Bible and Blessed James Alberione
Founder of the Pauline Sisters
 Presented by

Sister Irene Regina, FSP  

Talk will be followed by Eucharistic Adoration

 "Your role before the tabernacle [is to be]: living lamps before Jesus in the Eucharist; handmaids of honor of the tabernacle and of its Divine Dweller; angels of the Eucharist who receive and who give; souls who hunger and thirst for the bread of the Eucharist and the water of His grace; hearts that share with their Spouse in the Eucharist His desires, His goals, His self-sacrifice for all; the intimate confidantes of Jesus in the Host, listening to His every word of life and meditating on it in your heart, as Mary did."   Blessed Giacomo (James) Alberione


Saturday March 15th  
~ Women of Truth ~
Msgr. Price Room

Join us as we begin the Women of Grace Study Series!


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