Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Spirit and Truth NJ~ Friday, November 14th, 2014

This Week:

 Bible Study
 Genesis 4-11
Bible Study will be followed by time  
Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament 


Women of Truth

Saturday, November 15th
10 am ~ 12 pm 
Msgr. Price Room


Save the Date
Friday, November 28th
Spirit and Truth on the Road

We will be going to the 
National Center for Padre Pio


"When she [Mother Frances Cabrini] went to the chapel … her whole attitude … revealed that she was completely immersed in the Divine Presence. One day, during the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, a sister brought her a telegram. Observing that Mother made no response, the sister put the telegram on the prie-dieu. Then, perceiving that Mother still did not move, the sister looked into her face. She saw there a seraphic expression, the eyes openly fixed upon the Sacred Heart; but Mother was not able to see nor hear anything that was going on around her."
- Mother Saverio De Maria, MSC, Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini

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