Friday, April 1, 2016

Friday, April1st 2016

When I was in Church waiting for confession, I saw the same rays (that is, as those depicted on the revealed image of the Divine Mercy) issuing from the monstrance and they spread throughout the church. This lasted all through the service. After the benediction (the rays came forth) on both sides and returned again to the monstrance. Their appearance was bright and clear as crystal. I asked Jesus that He deign to light the fire of His love in all souls that were cold. Beneath these rays a heart will be warmed even if it were like a block of ice; even if it were as hard as rock, it will crumble into dust,"
- St. Faustina Kowalska

Year of Mercy Mini-Pilgrimage to 

In Preparation for Divine Mercy Sunday

Divine Mercy Novena
First Friday Mass
Holy Door of Mercy

Mass begins at 8:30 PM

Saint Theresa's Linden
131 E Edgar Road
Linden NJ 07036

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