Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Spirit and Truth NJ ~ Friday, September 16th, 2016

McGuinness Center 

8:30 pm

Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament

We will read this Sunday's Gospel  together 

in preparation for the Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Luke 16:1-13

Reflection Questions:

1. What struck you most in this passage?  
What did you notice that you hadn't noticed before?

2. Why do we tend to be more ingenious and proactive when it comes to wordly pursits than when it comes to spiritual things?

3. What has helped you most in keeping your financial life as Christian as possible? What has hindered you? HOw can we know where to draw the line between responsibility and generosity?

4. We call ourselves Christians, followers of Christ.  If someone were to follow us around for a day, what evidence would there be that this is truly the case?  What evidence might they find that could be the opposite- that we serve some other Lord?

Further reading: Catechism of the Catholic Church, 450-67, 2822-2827, 2850-2854,2401-2418

From the Better Part:

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