Monday, November 21, 2016

Spirit and Truth NJ on the Road ~ Friday, November 25th, 2016

Union with God, then, is the spiritual height God calls everyone to achieve – any one, not only religious but any one, who chooses, who wills to seek this pearl of great price, who specializes in the traffic of eternal good, who says 'yes' constantly to God…The imitation of Christ in the lives of saints is always possible and compatible with every state of life. The saints did but one thing – the will of God. But they did it with all their might. We have only to do the same thing; and according to the degree of intensity with which we labor shall our sanctification progress. (Greater Perfection, pp. 264-266)

Blessed MiriamTeresa Demjanovich 

Depart Saint John the Apostle 9:00 am 
or meet us at the Shrine(in front of Holy Family Chapel)

Mass, Talk and More! 

College of Saint Elizabeth
Holy Family Chapel
2 Convent Rd, Morristown, 
New Jersey 07960

Lunch approx 12:00pm at a local restaurant

Click below for more information 
on Blessed Miriam Teresa

Spirit and Truth Will NOT
 meet Friday Evening

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